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Employment Law Attorneys

If you have been denied wages, not been paid overtime, or discriminated against or retaliated against by your employer for standing up for your rights, Bohrer Brady’s employment law attorneys in Baton Rouge are here for you.

Our employment law attorneys have helped thousands of employees recover unpaid wages and overtime pay from their employers. Let us help you with a free case evaluation. Our attorneys are devoted to protecting the rights of hard-working Americans.


We are dedicated to the fair treatment of employees, and we know the employment laws that are designed to protect workers. Employment law covers a wide variety of areas. Learn more about how we can help you below.

The Claims & Types of Cases Our Employment Rights Attorneys Handle

There are many different types of employment law claims and types of cases. At Bohrer Brady, we have seen abuse from employers and handled most types of cases in our many years in the legal profession. Our employment law attorneys can help get you compensated for lost pay, unpaid overtime, denied promotions, or retaliation. Here are some of the cases we handle:

Whistleblowers and Qui Tam Claims

People who have reported their employers for participating in illegal activities. Our clients are courageous people who have witnessed fraud and other illegal activities and are willing to stand up and report illegal conduct.


Retaliation in the Workplace

Employers cannot retaliate when employees blow the whistle on unlawful or unfair activity, or when they assert their right to recover wages, unpaid overtime or report discriminatory issues. If you suspect you have been retaliated against at work, it is important to consult with our experienced employment rights attorneys. We help people nationwide who have faced retaliation in the workplace.


Schedule a Free Consultation

To discuss your situation, contact us online or call us toll-free at 1-800-876-3911.

Unpaid Wages

If you feel that your employer is not treating you fairly or that an employer owes you back wages or unpaid compensation for overtime and other work, you need to take action. Prompt attention to the situation can help you recover the money you are owed, so you can stay financially solvent while your employer is held legally responsible. For more information, go to our Wage and Hour Claims page.

  • Unpaid Overtime

Many employers require employees to work off-the-clock, or misclassify workers as salaried or independent contractors, or pay a day-rate, to avoid paying overtime. If you feel you are owed unpaid wages or overtime compensation, talk to the employment law attorneys at Bohrer Brady.

  • Improper Overtime Rate

Some employees are paid a shift differential, production bonus, commission, or “per diem” in addition to their regular day rate or hourly rate. Generally, these payments must be included in a worker’s regular rate of pay for overtime purposes. Many employers fail to do this and instead pay overtime at the employee’s base hourly rate. Some employers even use “per diem” payments instead of overtime, which is not legal.


  • Employment Misclassification

Employers can save significant amounts of money by classifying employees as “exempt” or as Independent Contractors, and thereby not paying them overtime. Unfortunately, many employers misclassify employees for that reason — taking advantage of their employees’ hard work without having to pay them the wages they are due. Our independent contractor lawyers can help.


  • Off-the-Clock Claims

Requiring employees to work off-the-clock is a win for businesses — employees further the company’s interests without costing it a dime. Examples of off-the-clock work are: driving between work sites, loading and unloading work vehicles, pre-shift meeting, training, completing paperwork or reports after hours, and putting on or taking off safety gear or equipment. Requiring off-the-clock labor without pay, however, is wage theft, and it is illegal under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).


  • Pay for Training

Employers often require orientation, training for specific tasks, or training related to issues like sexual harassment. That’s fine—unless they expect employees to attend training without paying them for their time and efforts. If this has happened to you, it may be wage theft, and it is important to consult with our experienced employment law attorneys.

Contact Our Experienced Employment Law Attorneys Now

The employment rights attorneys of Bohrer Brady have decades of combined experience fighting for workers’ rights. Your employer should not treat you unfairly. Don’t hesitate to contact our experienced law firm for a free, confidential consultation if you suspect any of the above situations are occurring at your workplace. Our employment law attorneys will work to ensure you receive the wages and treatment you deserve.


FAQs Our Employment Law Attorneys Receive

What constitutes wrongful termination?

Wrongful termination, or a “wrongful firing,” is an employer’s decision to terminate an employee that violates the law. For this action to be considered wrongful termination, it must violate federal or state laws protecting employees from termination for asserting certain wage claims or reporting discrimination based on race, gender, age, disability, and other protected characteristics. Additionally, under state labor laws, a contract between the employer and employee making specific promises regarding job security must be fulfilled, or it could also constitute wrongful termination.

Common examples that wrongful termination attorneys can assist with include:

  • Termination due to pregnancy or childbirth: Employers are prohibited from terminating a woman due to her pregnancy or childbirth status.
  • Retaliation for filing a complaint: It is illegal for employers to retaliate against employees who file complaints about discrimination, harassment, or wage issues.
  • Termination based on religion: Employers are prohibited from discriminating against individuals because of their religious beliefs and practices.
  • Termination due to racial discrimination: Employers cannot terminate an employee solely based on race, ethnicity, or national origin.
  • Termination due to age discrimination: The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) protects individuals over 40 from being explicitly terminated because of their age.
  • Termination due to sexual orientation discrimination: The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) ruled that Title VII prohibits employers from terminating employees based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.
  • Termination for reporting sexual harassment: The illegal act of firing or terminating an employee as a direct consequence of their decision to report incidents of sexual harassment in the workplace, which violates their legal rights to a safe and respectful working environment.

What does workplace harassment look like?

Workplace harassment includes many forms of unwelcome conduct that creates a hostile work environment. It can come in many forms, including physical contact or verbal abuse, intimidation, or discrimination based on protected classes such as gender, race, religion, or ability status. It is crucial to have appropriate protections in place to prevent and address these instances. 

Workplace harassment may include offensive language and jokes that are hurtful or create an intimidating workplace atmosphere. Examples of workplace harassment can range from teasing to blatant racial or sexual hostility. It’s important to remember that even if the harasser is joking about the issue, it’s still considered inappropriate behavior. 

Additional examples of workplace harassment include:

  • Unwanted sexual advances
  • Unfairly disciplining an employee due to their protected class
  • Requesting sexual favors in exchange for benefits at work
  • Making inappropriate comments or jokes about a person’s appearance, lifestyle, or beliefs

Our experienced employment law attorneys handle workplace harassment cases. We understand the complexity of these situations and will help you build a strong case against workplace harassment. We’ll also provide guidance on the best legal strategies and help you seek justice for any mistreatment at your workplace. Our team provides support throughout every step if your employer doesn’t uphold fair labor standards and ensures your rights remain protected.

Why don’t some employers pay their workers overtime?

Employers must pay non-exempt employees time and a half for any hours worked beyond 40 in a workweek, including hourly, salaried, and contract workers who meet the legal requirements for overtime pay. Unfortunately, some employers attempt to get around the requirement by denying their employees fair wages or misclassifying them as “exempt” from overtime laws.

Misclassifying employees is a common form of wage theft that can result in workers missing out on thousands of dollars in overtime they are legally entitled to. Employers may also deny their workers overtime pay due to limited budgets or a lack of knowledge of labor laws. In some cases, workers may not receive overtime pay because they are unaware of their rights or afraid to speak up against their employer.

All employers must understand their legal obligations and adequately classify their employees to be compensated fairly for hours worked. Furthermore, any employee who believes they have been denied overtime pay should seek legal representation from an experienced employment law attorney who can evaluate the facts of the case and advise on how best to proceed.

Employer greed is typically the reason why employers do not pay their employees earned wages.  Additional reasons some employers don’t pay their workers overtime include:

  • Misclassifying non-exempt employees as exempt from overtime laws
  • Limited budgets or lack of proper labor law knowledge
  • Employees are unaware of their rights or afraid to speak up against their employer
  • Needing to save money on payroll costs and avoid paying taxes
  • Intentionally disregarding labor laws or regulations
  • Misunderstanding complex classification requirements
  • Paying a “day rate” with no overtime

How can I recover compensation for lost wages?

One way to recover compensation for lost wages is through filing a claim with the appropriate state or federal labor law agency. These may include the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the Department of Labor, or similar organizations. Depending on the state in which you live, additional options may be available, such as filing a lawsuit against your employer or engaging an employment lawyer.

If you are considering filing a claim, it’s important to understand that recovering lost wages can often be complex and time-consuming. It’s also essential to note that depending on the nature of your case, deadlines for filing claims can vary significantly from one state to another. Therefore, it’s best to seek legal advice from one of our experienced labor attorneys, who can help ensure that any damages owed to you are properly included in the claim.

Although documentation of your hours worked and pay received are critical to a wage and hour claim, it does not mean you need to possess all of you payroll documents to pursue a claim. The attorneys at Bohrer Brady, LLC can obtain your pay records to evaluate and file a lawsuit if necessary.  Employers are required to maintain your pay records.

What is employee misclassification?

Employee misclassification is a problem in several industries and can affect workers’ pay. It occurs when an employer incorrectly classifies an employee as something other than what they are, such as exempt from overtime pay or as an independent contractor, instead of hiring them as a full-time employee. Therefore, the employer denies the rights and benefits to which the employee is legally entitled, such as minimum wage and overtime pay.

What is employer retaliation?

Employer retaliation is when an employer punishes or threatens to punish an employee for exercising their rights under the law. Retaliation includes demoting, suspending, or firing employees who have complained about illegal activity in the workplace, filed a claim with a state or federal labor agency, taken time off for medical leave, or asserted their rights under state or federal law for unpaid overtime. Retaliation can also take other forms, such as threatening to reduce hours, withholding benefits, refusing to promote qualified applicants, providing negative references to future employers, and harassment or other intimidating conduct such as verbal or physical threats.

Retaliation is often used as a punishment against employees for challenging an employer’s unlawful practices. In addition to employment termination and wage reduction, employers may retaliate by creating a hostile work environment or providing differential treatment to the employee. It can be challenging to prove and often requires a knowledgeable employment law attorney to assess the facts and identify violations.

Employers who engage in retaliatory practices may be subject to civil lawsuits for damages caused by their actions. Employees who experience retaliation have legal remedies available, including filing a complaint with the appropriate state or federal agency and seeking legal representation from attorneys that handle employment law. Employees need to understand their rights so that they can take steps to protect themselves against unlawful employer retaliation.